среда, 27 марта 2013 г.

How to Lose Belly Fat Naturally

In order to learn how to lose belly fat naturally, you must first learn how belly fat is accumulated on your body to begin with. So in this article, we'll briefly cover how and why most people have major problems with excessive belly fat, then we'll look at some of the best ways to lose that belly fat naturally.

The human body uses simple carbohydrates and sugars to produce quick energy. And these are extremely useful when you're doing a lot of strenuous exercise and activity. If you're planning to run several miles for instance, your body needs that quick energy. The same applies if you're doing any kind of heavy activity though, and that's why our bodies are designed this way.

A long time ago, humans had to be quite physical in their day to day activities. Once upon a time for instance, they had to be able to outrun predators. At another point in time, they walked or ran as their primary means of travel. And because there was so much physical activity, their bodies burned off the simple carbs and sugars quite quickly.

Combine that natural tendency with the fact that in that time of human history, there was no such thing as white table sugar, packaged goods that just needed some water mixed in, and so on. So people actually ate foods which the body had to work at to process fully, and they were extremely active too, which meant they burned off any excess.

And it's because of this that are bodies accumulate fat in the stomach and belly area the most. Since that's the mid section of the body, having additional fat there will not hinder a human's running and fighting abilities. Thus nature designed it so that our extra fat was stored on the belly.

In modern day society of course, humans don't exercise nearly as much as they used to. They also compound that problem by eating loads of pre-processed foods, foods with huge amounts of simple sugar in them, and just plain junk. Now, since the human body is designed to use these simple sugars and carbs for quick energy, and it's not needed because humans are fairly inactive, it stores that energy in the form of fat on the belly.

So the most natural way to lose belly fat is to simply reduce the amount of simple carbs and sugars you eat... and/or drastically increase the amount of physical activity you get each day.

Now, this is not a pitch for you to go on a low carb diet It's actually not a pitch for a diet of any kind. Yes a low carb diet will do wonders for helping you to lose belly fat naturally, but it's not a requirement. All you need to do is cut drastically down on the amount of simple sugars and simple carbs you eat each day. This will start depriving your body of the quick energy foods, and force it to start burning the existing fat it already has stored on your belly.

If you'd rather become active instead of giving up sugar and junk food of course, then you can do that too. But you'll need to become extremely active. Active enough so that your body needs to burn the current level of simple sugars you're eating PLUS tap into the fat reserves stored on your belly and start burning those too.


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