четверг, 28 марта 2013 г.

How To Lose Baby Fat - Lose The Weight And Get Your Body Back FAST

How to lose baby fat can be the most challenging aspect of being a new Mother, the trauma our bodies go through when carrying and giving birth to our babies can affect everything from our thyroid gland (regulates metabolism) to our diaphragm walls (stomach bulge).

Luckily Asian women have mastered how to lose weight quickly and stay lean even just after having a baby, and you can do the same things they do to get into shape and look fabulous in a hurry.

How To Lose Baby Fat - The Skinny Asian Way

The most important thing I tell students in my local weight-loss classes regarding how to lose baby fat is that our bodies are in a recovery state for much of the first six months after we give birth.

From massive hormone changes to stretching of various tissues in our body, pregnancy is a dramatic change that needs to be handled carefully as we get back to our old selves. Therefore it's important that you not resort to dangerous diet pills, crazy supplements, or any other risky things as your body heals itself during this time.

And while you're not going to learn ALL of the best ways how to lose baby fat that Asian women use after a pregnancy from just a single short article online, you CAN pick up some great tips that will get you started on the right road:

1. Reactivate your metabolism by doing this simple routine - Most new Moms are far too weak from a lack of sleep and the stress of handling a newborn to even think about working out or exercising. And this can last even longer if the baby was delivered by c-section (cesarian) as the recovery process is extended.

However, once you feel like you're ready, begin by just walking 20-30 minutes around your neighborhood each day, preferably before breakfast as a great way how to lose baby fat.

You don't have to walk for miles, and you don't have to walk very fast, as pushing the baby stroller will add a ton of calorie-burning to the process on its own.

Also, walking is critical because you're activating your abdominal walls, as well as your lower back muscles, with each step you take. This makes it far easier for your stomach area to snap-back to the shape you want it to be versus not doing anything.

Walking is the #1 way Asian women use as to how to lose baby fat, it's very underrated in a world that tries to take money out of our purses with far more exotic diet product marketing. Stick to the basics and you'll see progress quickly.

2. We've all heard this tip before but are you doing it correctly? - Breastfeeding will zap around 600 to 900 calories from your system per DAY that you do it due to the massive energy needed to produce and store milk in your system. It's a fantastic way to drop baby fat right from the start and will definitely help you answer how to lose baby fat quickly.

The problem though is that once you STOP breastfeeding, if you don't alter your food intake you will pack on the pounds like crazy, and this is common with first-time Moms.

Be sure to be aware of when you're going to wean your baby off of breast milk, because your metabolism will fall right away. Counter this by eating food that boosts your metabolic rate, like lean chicken (skinless), spices such as tumeric and chile pepper, high-fiber natural foods like fruits and veggies, and 3-4 cups of green tea daily.

You'll not only lose baby fat by eating more this base group of foods, you'll also notice your health and immune systems will both recover much more quickly.

3. If you just can't lose weight ever, try this secret tip - I know it can be depressing, but if you're upset because nothing has worked you need to learn one of the most powerful secret free methods that Asian women do to force fat off of their belly and thighs in less than a month...WITHOUT starving or doing crazy workouts.

Read also site

среда, 27 марта 2013 г.

How to Lose Belly Fat Naturally

In order to learn how to lose belly fat naturally, you must first learn how belly fat is accumulated on your body to begin with. So in this article, we'll briefly cover how and why most people have major problems with excessive belly fat, then we'll look at some of the best ways to lose that belly fat naturally.

The human body uses simple carbohydrates and sugars to produce quick energy. And these are extremely useful when you're doing a lot of strenuous exercise and activity. If you're planning to run several miles for instance, your body needs that quick energy. The same applies if you're doing any kind of heavy activity though, and that's why our bodies are designed this way.

A long time ago, humans had to be quite physical in their day to day activities. Once upon a time for instance, they had to be able to outrun predators. At another point in time, they walked or ran as their primary means of travel. And because there was so much physical activity, their bodies burned off the simple carbs and sugars quite quickly.

Combine that natural tendency with the fact that in that time of human history, there was no such thing as white table sugar, packaged goods that just needed some water mixed in, and so on. So people actually ate foods which the body had to work at to process fully, and they were extremely active too, which meant they burned off any excess.

And it's because of this that are bodies accumulate fat in the stomach and belly area the most. Since that's the mid section of the body, having additional fat there will not hinder a human's running and fighting abilities. Thus nature designed it so that our extra fat was stored on the belly.

In modern day society of course, humans don't exercise nearly as much as they used to. They also compound that problem by eating loads of pre-processed foods, foods with huge amounts of simple sugar in them, and just plain junk. Now, since the human body is designed to use these simple sugars and carbs for quick energy, and it's not needed because humans are fairly inactive, it stores that energy in the form of fat on the belly.

So the most natural way to lose belly fat is to simply reduce the amount of simple carbs and sugars you eat... and/or drastically increase the amount of physical activity you get each day.

Now, this is not a pitch for you to go on a low carb diet It's actually not a pitch for a diet of any kind. Yes a low carb diet will do wonders for helping you to lose belly fat naturally, but it's not a requirement. All you need to do is cut drastically down on the amount of simple sugars and simple carbs you eat each day. This will start depriving your body of the quick energy foods, and force it to start burning the existing fat it already has stored on your belly.

If you'd rather become active instead of giving up sugar and junk food of course, then you can do that too. But you'll need to become extremely active. Active enough so that your body needs to burn the current level of simple sugars you're eating PLUS tap into the fat reserves stored on your belly and start burning those too.


вторник, 19 марта 2013 г.

Земля? Только не киевлянам!

Законные участки жителей столицы власти раздают иногородним – это, наконец, признала и прокуратура. В «Газету по-киевски» обратились киевляне, рассказавшие, что земельные наделы, оформленные на их имя, в последнюю минуту на декабрьской сессии 2008 года отдали… подставным лицам.

«Газета…» не раз писала, что имен многих людей, которым на сессиях Киевсовета выделяется земля под частное строительство, в числе жителей Киева обнаружить не удается. Теперь мы получили подтверждение: власть оформляет землеотводы на людей, которые не являются киевлянами и по закону не имеют права на бесплатную приватизацию 10 соток земли в столице.

Скандал приключился с участками, выделенными под частное строительство в квартале, ограниченном улицами Вильямса, Трутенко и жилмассивом Жуляны. Городские службы дали добро, и началось оформление документов. За год-полтора (к 2007 году) проекты землеустройства были подготовлены и согласованы со всеми городскими службами. К ним прилагался и проект решений Киевсовета на землеотвод. Но на этом дело застопорилось.

– Три года наши вопросы никак не могли попасть в повестку дня сессии, – рассказывает один из пострадавших, киевлянин Александр Мурашов. – А в октябре мы неожиданно узнали, что земельные решения по нашим адресам… уже давно приняты. Решения датированы декабрем 2008 года. Однако землевладельцами в них значимся не мы, а совершенно другие люди.

Несостоявшиеся жители ул. Вильямса и пер. Московского были немало удивлены. Ведь кадастровые дела на эти участки были оформлены на их имена, и «дубликатов» быть просто не могло. А это значит, что те, кто получил «их» землю, никаких документов не оформляли.

– Мы стали узнавать, и нам подтвердили, что проекты землеустройства по этим адресам отсутствуют по сегодняшний день, не говоря уже о том, что они не прошли согласований, – говорит Александр. – Тем не менее, сессия приняла решения о землеотводах для этих людей лишь на основании их заявлений и копий паспортов.

Прокуратура: идите вы все… в суд!

Люди стали писать жалобы. Кто-то – в мэрию, кто-то – в прокуратуру. Из КГГА ответы не пришли никому, говорит Александр. Прокуратура оказалась более чуткой: прислала отписки. Одним – что чрезвычайно загружена, а потому до их обращений руки еще не дошли (на протяжении трех месяцев). Других послала в суд.

«Разъясняю, что в соответствии со ст. 2 Кодекса административного судопроизводства Украины в административном суде вами могут быть обжалованы любые решения, действия или бездействие субъектов властных полномочий», – пишет прокурор отдела надзора за соблюдением природоохранного законодательства Греськив в ответ на обращение одного из несостоявшихся соседей Александра Мурашова – Владимира Михальчука. И прямо сообщает: «На основании изложенного меры прокурорского реагирования не принимались».

Последовать совету прокуратуры обманутые люди не торопятся: не верят, что «простой гражданин может выиграть суд у чиновников города в пик коррумпированности в органах власти», объясняют они в письме на имя премьер-министра.

Мы сами не местные…

Правда, один ответ из прокуратуры – Ивану Щехорскому от начальника отдела Корнийца – содержал немаловажную для понимания происходящего информацию.

«Установлено, что граждане, которым отведены земельные участки, не являются жителями города Киева, а проживают в других областях», – говорится в письме.

Оставленные с носом киевляне стали выяснять, кто перешел им дорогу, и таки нашли. Оказалось, что участок Александра Мурашова достался его тезке по фамилии Чайка, зарегистрированному в г. Изяслав Хмельницкой области (ул. Вокзальная, 1). Участок Владимира Михальчука получил в собственность Александр Панько из г. Нежина Черниговской области (ул. Независимости, 36). Другие участки по ул. Вильямса и пер.

Московскому тоже получили жители Хмельницкой, Черниговской, а еще – Житомирской, Черкасской, Сумской областей. При такой заботе киевской власти о жителях глубинки неудивительно, что киевлянам рассчитывать на получение 10 бесплатных соток земли в родном городе просто не приходится.

Обманутые люди винят во всем сотрудницу Киевсовета Светлану Макееву, которая была ответственной за подготовку этих землеотводов. «Как ответственный работник Киевсовета, Макеева С. М., которая должна следить за буквой и духом закона, подает на пленарное заседание Киевсовета очень сомнительный проект решения?» – пишут они в обращении к премьер-министру.

«Газета…»: Кроме того, что землю раздают не ее законным владельцам, есть еще нюанс: вряд ли даже те, кто ее все-таки получил – простые смертные, которым вот так вот отчаянно повезло, пусть и с высокой протекцией. Куда более вероятно, что эти люди – подставные лица, и через них в итоге землю получат те самые, всем известные персоны – из высоких и удобных кресел в мэрии.

7 гектаров готовят для «своих»?

Речь идет не об одном-двух землеотводах. В этом квартале земельные наделы площадью около 7 га могут получить 70 человек. В настоящее время об оформлении земли возле Жулян на подставных лиц жалуются в различные инстанции уже более двух десятков человек. Думается, искать виновных все же стоит в других, более высоких и удобных креслах. Ведь вряд ли рядовой клерк сумел в одиночку провернуть такую аферу, если бы не получил «добро» (а то и приказ!) свыше.

Влияния простого чиновника явно не хватит, чтобы заставить коллег из нескольких управлений и депутатов из нескольких комиссий «не увидеть» отсутствия документов на землеотвод. Да еще и решение Киевсовета подготовить «грамотно»: с засекреченной формулировкой и отсрочкой публикации на 10 месяцев. В общем, опять дерибан по-киевски – классика жанра!

Александра Романюк

New Articles фолликулярная фаза исправление прикуса радиойодтерапия в санкт питербурге камень нефрит свойства научиться целоваться видео выпрямление перегородки носа горечь во рту мануальная терапия позвоночника отзывы лечение пчелоужаливанием овуляция календарь

воскресенье, 17 марта 2013 г.

Fat Loss 4 Idiots - Review of Fat Loss 4 Idiots for 2008

Fat loss 4 idiots uses a technique called calories shifting for its customers that wants to lose weight, its a method whereby your body is allowed to consume varieties of calories each day that will confuse the body metabolism bringing about fats to burn faster. The body metabolism never knows the amount of food you will eat tomorrow due to that day haven't come, it burns calories depending on your eating habits in the past few days because it will think you will continue to eat in the same manner.

If you continue to eat the same kind of calorie and meals for some days at a time it means you will lose a lot of fat by doing this. In order to make this progress it will shift the types of calorie that you have been consuming for days, if it does, your body metabolism will burn all the calories you've already eaten, if it finishes that it will find other available fat tissue in the body and burn it too, to make this fat loss 4 idiots technique work you will also need to eat fat burning compatible foods so that it can easily burn your body metabolism.

The second part of my review is the online diet generator which automatically creates the right menu each day for you so that you won't have to calculate anything while shifting your calories, its called idiot proof diet. What the idiot proof diet does is to alternate your menu between every type of calorie by shifting from one type of calorie to the next ensuring that the scale keeps reducing, with this kind of technique you will never worry about going to the grocery to check your scale. It predicts that you won't lose fat until you change your eating habit to something new and different. If you refuse to try out fat loss 4 idiots proof diet then you will be stuck up with the same body forever, i mean your over weight body.

Furthermore, some of the logics i have said about fat loss 4 idiots review may be difficult for you to understand but it isn't, to summarize it all you will enter the kinds of food you will like to eat in a period of 11 days and the idiot proof diet automatically generates the way you will eat them and the amount of calories to be taken with lots of other guides to follow when you access their members center. Meanwhile i have compiled a list of proofs in my review to show you that their program will work for you. It requires no prescribed meals making you save a lot of money unlike Jenny Craig fat loss program where you are required to eat only the meals recommended by them .

Fat loss 4 idiots only cost $39.95 onetime fee and you will never pay for any other fee before and after you achieve your required 9 pounds loss in 11 days or even more if you wish after 11 days, making it cheaper compared to other fat loss programs where you are required to pay monthly fees in order to keep on training with them. It requires no exercises, no pills, no supplements or anything that will cause stress, the diet plan is made in such a way that one will continue to eat his or her normal diet and still lose 9 pounds or more in 11 days.

It is easy to follow, no long process techniques, its just a simple quick way you can easily follow and get what you need. Finally 11 out of 13 comments posted by customers in my blog who bought fat loss 4 idiots testified that it truly delivers, they proved how they lost their 9 pounds before 11 days and even lost more pounds by following the diet plan, 2 of those whom it didn't work for has one problem or the other. The first person said she has fibroid so maybe that was the reason it didn't work for her while the second person didn't follow the diet plan as he was told to do.

Useful information Healthy Choices Equal Healthy Weight Management
How to lose weight and feel good
The weight loss struggles? Simple Tips to succeed!
As you can better control your weight?
Ten Tips For Losing 10 Kilograms in 10 Weeks

среда, 13 марта 2013 г.

Промсвязьбанк — разновидности займов

Промсвязьбанк — это один из крупнейших отечественных банков, входящий в десятку основных кредитных организаций РФ. На отечественном рынке кредитов банковское учреждение предлагает такие типы кредитов:

Потребительский кредит — ссужаемый банковским учреждением частным и юридическим лицам с целью покупки предметов личного пользования с отсрочкой выплаты за приобретенные предметы личного пользования, с последующим возвращением заимствованных денежных средств и процентов по ссуде.

Банковские кредитные карты — удобная форма наличного кредита, предоставляют возможность приобретать разные предметы личного пользования без дополнительного визита в кредитную организацию с определенным лимитом с дальнейшим компенсацией использованных денег АКБ Промсвязьбанку.

Доминирующими задачами кредитных карт являются получение денежных средств в банкоматных устройствах или кассе банка ОАО «Промсвязьбанка», а также отзывы о банках в кассах банков партнеров. Кроме того кредитки дают возможность проводить безналичные перечисления денежных средств, а также производить покупки различных товаров. Заявка На Кредит.

В АКБ «Промсвязьбанк» широко предложено кредитование жилья. Ипотечный кредит предоставляет возможность приобрести квартиру или дом без использования личных средств, за счет ресурсов банковского учреждения, с дальнейшим покрытием одолженных заемных средств под незначительную процентную ставку. В залогом предоставляется приобретаемый дом или квартира. Обращаем внимание, недвижимость застраховывается от стихийных бедствий, помимо этого страхуется состояние здоровья оформившего заем.

You Are NOT What You Eat!

It's almost impossible to avoid everyday evidence of the obesity epidemic. Walk down the street, look around at work, or even take note at the gym and you will find that the prevalence of obesity is remarkable.

Just recently, while seated in the top-level seats at a Utah Jazz basketball game, it was painfully obvious that the future health care system in the USA is going to be dramatically overburdened by a generation of obese adults, if it isn't happening already. Admittedly, to get to the top row of seats in the arena it was a tough climb up 19 rows of steep steps, however it is a sad commentary when one man, perhaps 45 years of age and visibly obese remarked that, "that's enough exercise for the entire week".

Actually it's not fair to single out North Americans, as even Hungarians, Danish, Russian, Turkish, and Dutch researchers are identifying obesity as a huge problem. All around the world scientists are attempting to find pharmaceutical and nutritional interventions to combat the problem of obesity. Even the Chinese are getting fat, likely due to the "McDonald's disease" (the introduction of fast food restaurants and a sedentary lifestyle into their culture). Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and abnormal blood lipid levels are now common in Hong Kong Chinese and this is closely associated with the increase in obesity.

More importantly, is that these countries are also observing increased obesity incidence in their youth, so it's not just a reflection of the "American" culture, but rather the sedentary lifestyle seen across a generation, in combination with very poor nutritional choices. However, remember that there have been a number of reasons proposed as a cause of obesity (hormonal, genetic, societal, physiological, psychological, neurotransmitter), and of course some of these overlap. According to the World Health Organization, the prevalence of obesity has increased so rapidly in many populations that the changes cannot be attributed to changes in genetic inheritance alone.


* Americans (and many other modern countries) are suffering from a "fat" epidemic.

* 55% of American adults are overweight or obese (Women = 50.7% & men = 59.4%).

* More specifically, 22% of US adults are obese (Women = 25% & Men = 19%).

* The economic costs of obesity are staggering. Researchers estimate that the financial drain from obesity and physical inactivity is over $90 billion a year, representing 15% of the American national health care expenditure.

* Americans spend $33 billion per year on products and services to help them lose weight (this includes gym memberships, diet soda, low-cal foods, and dietary supplements).

* Dietary supplements sales were $16.8 billion in 2000. Ten years ago sales were only $3.3 billion. The fastest growing segment is diet aids.

* The United States spent $1.2 trillion on healthcare in 1999 and this will increase to $2.6 trillion by 2010, likely because prescription drugs costs will grow by 12.6% per year.

Both rich and poor North Americans have equal opportunity to become overweight in these days of $5 fast food feasts. Body fat is simply the storage of excess energy intake from a positive energy balance. Energy balance can be best expressed as the calories (energy) consumed in comparison to the energy (calories) you burn off each day. Food energy is measured as a calorie, and so is the work that you do during exercise. Therefore, this basic energy equation (calories in vs. calories out) determines whether you gain, lose, or maintain your weight.

You expend energy every minute of the day, although the final amount is obviously determined by your activity level, not to mention your muscle mass (more muscle results in more energy being expended at rest). Diet-induced thermogenesis (DIT) also contributes to energy expenditure and obese adults often show lowered DIT compared to lean adults. DIT is the amount of energy that your body expends during the digestion, absorption, and utilization of food energy.

Obese adults that have a low DIT have a more efficient utilization of calories and greater ease of fat accumulation. In less technical terms, this simply means that "naturally thin" individuals (also referred to as individuals with "fast metabolism") use up more energy during these processes and as a result have less energy to store as body fat.

Chronic overfeeding (regardless of whether it is carbohydrate or fat) is associated with obesity, insulin resistance, and elevated blood insulin levels. Insulin is an anabolic hormone with both good and bad connotations. Fortunately, it can prevent muscle breakdown after exercise and it helps the muscle store glycogen (a fuel for high intensity exercise), however it can also increase the storage of blood free fatty acids in fat cells. It also limits fat mobilization (the release of fat from fat cells to be used for energy production). So even if you are consuming a low-calorie diet but still consuming a diet that promotes high insulin levels (i.e. lots of high-glycemic carbohydrates), you may have difficulty losing body fat.

There is evidence that "high-glycemic" carbohydrates are best avoided by those seeking to lose weight. High-glycemic carbohydrates are refined foods such as processed cereals, cookies, pasta, white rice, cakes and other processed goods high in sugar. The term high-glycemic refers to the rapid increase in blood sugar that these foods cause after ingestion because they are rapidly absorbed. In a recent study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (71: 901-907, 2000), researchers found that after only 6 days, subjects eating low-glycemic foods lost more body fat than subjects eating high-glycemic foods. Also, the group eating the low-glycemic foods had a higher metabolic rate and a lower rate of snacking on sugary foods.

From 1994-96 Americans consumed the equivalent of 82 grams of high-glycemic carbohydrates per day from added sweeteners, which was about 16% of total calories. Adolescents had the highest intake, about 20% of calories, with soft drinks accounting for a third (!) and table sugar, syrups and sweets, sweetened grains, and milk products providing the rest. That translates into almost 330 calories of sugar per day! Eliminate this from your diet and you have the potential to lose 1 pound of fat (generally considered to be 3500 calories) in 10 days.

While the prevalence of obesity continues to rise controversy remains as to the specific causes of this trend. What about the phenomenon of winter fat? Roberts et al. (2000) determined that the weight gain during the 6-week winter period from American Thanksgiving through New Year averaged only 0.8 lbs. However, weight gain was greater among individuals who were overweight or obese, and 14% gained more than 5 lbs over this time period. Among the entire population, weight gain during the 6-week holiday season explained 51% of annual weight gain.

So it appears that most weight gain does occur during the holiday period and by early March their was a recorded net weight gain of approximately 1-1.5 lbs (Robert et al., 2000). If you do that every year you can see how "the pounds creep up on you". In another study, Yanovski et al. (2000) found a similar trend and therefore American adults should expect to see a net weight gain (winter fat!). In conclusion, it looks like holiday weight gain really is the important contributor to the rising prevalence of obesity that many people often make it out to be, even though absolute values for weight gain in this study were less than anticipated.

Be Bowled Over in Bloomsbury